Tamiflu during pregnancy...?

Posted by Simon | 5:53:00 PM

Tamiflu during pregnancy...?
I got really bad flu since last weekend. Vomiting, high fever, headache, cold chill, and cough. I couldn't stop having cold chill on Thursday afternoon and end up going to ER that night. ER doctor gave a prescription for Tamiflu. She told me that it is safe for pregnancy. But I read this Tamiflu information saying "Tamiflu is normally not recommended for use during pregnancy". I am 31weeks pregnant now. I can't call doctor because it's weekend. Has anyone took this medicine during pregnant? Is there any chance to affect my baby?

Posted by Jill
Doctor's offices have after-hours answering services and will have the on-call doctor call you at home, 24/7. Please call them.

Posted by soggy527
call the emergency doctor's or the nhs line which are very helpful people

Posted by Danielle S
first you should be able to call your doc anytime, they should be oncall 24 hours a day someone in the office at least. this medication is catagory C which means it's unknown if it causes harm to the fetus.. I would not take it unless the baby is in danger from the flu, which they are usually not, you just have to worry about keeping your fever below 100 degrees farienheit by taking the recommended dosage of tylenol. I would definitly give my doc a call and ask to spk to the doc on call. keep hydrated because dehydration can cause contractions. I believe that if you don't take the tamiflu within a certain amount of days that you've contracted the flu then it doesn't even work or doesn't work as well and you said you've had it for a week already. It can affect your baby i would not take anything that is catagory c during preg unless the baby or mother was in danger of dying.

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