What are appropriate foods to eat while you have the flu / fever and also foods NOT to eat?
Food that will make you healthier.
Food that will make you worse.

Posted by The Pretender
They say chicken soup really is medicinal.
Also, if you are talking about getting over a stomach flu, the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apples, toast) works great to help you get some food but not make you sick all over again.

Posted by ?
As long as you have a fever, you need to mostly take in fluids. Doesn't matter what fluids you drink just lots of them. This hydrates the system and allows the fever to break. A fever is your body's way of fighting the virus you are experiencing. Food intake will only make the fever worse. So, lots of liquids. Once your fever has broken, you are on the mend. Then go to small meals that do not include dairy products as this will cause excess mucus. So, soups, rice and light fruits for a day or so and then you can go back to your regular diet. You want to watch your food intake right after fever as it may come back. Word of advice, any fever lasting more that three days, see a doctor.

Posted by Matthew G
Any fruit or non-starchy vegetable will be good for you. Meats and wheat grains are neutral, and drink plenty of hot tea, and preferably water.

Milk will give you an awful stomach ache with the flu, as it is difficult to process, watch the calcium in other words. Starchy foods are also not good to eat whilst ill, as they are difficult to process and provide most bacteria and virus' with fuel.

I advise plenty of rest, find a couple of supplements-Grape fruit seed extract complex, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E.

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