What are the chances that a cold virus will enter the brain?
I have a cold and i read about this guy who had a cold virus in his brain and his memory was erased and it all started with a headache. And my head is feeling stuffy...do you think it's starting or is it because i am dehydrated?

Posted by pao
very very low chance. its the same chance you will win the lottery

Posted by tootalljones2000
not much if you have an ear infection. there might be a small chance for it ot get to your brain, after time. but you ear would hurt so bad youd have to go to the dr. and get some anti bioc.

Posted by skooter
If you are dehydrated, drink fluids! The headache is probable from congestion drinking fluids will help with that and medication. I like Zicam, cold remedy. It really works at reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms. You get over the cold faster. About $ 11.99
Also Cold-Eeze lozenges. I think about $ 6.00
Both these products do the same thing. You use them every 4 hours.

I had a cold virus settle in my brain once. It was unbelievably painful. I thought I was going to die!! It hurt so bad. It was the worst pain in my head I have ever experienced. And I just now got over a concussion.

If you are concerned you should go into your doctor. No one can tell you on this board for sure what is going on with you. Make sure you keep in touch with a family member and get in to see your doctor if you don't think it is normal congestion.

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