What are the differences between a cold and the flu?

Posted by Kathy T
Both are viruses. However the flu (influenza) is a virus that usually is much more virulent and the symptoms are much more severe.

Influenza Symptoms

Influenza (commonly called the "flu") is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses.

Influenza usually starts suddenly and may include the following symptoms:

* Fever (usually high)
* Headache
* Tiredness (can be extreme)
* Cough
* Sore throat
* Runny or stuffy nose
* Body aches
* Diarrhea and vomiting (more common among children than adults)

Whereas the common cold usually has milder symptoms and people can still continue with some day to day activities although they don't feel great.

Finally, if you immune system is weak, the symptoms of a common cold may be more severe.

Posted by Lucky Christina
The symptoms of the cold and flu can be hard to differentiate, sometimes not even possible without a specific laboratory test to determine which virus is causing your symptoms. See the related link below for more information on this from US Flu website, Flu.gov.

Give your answer to this question below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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