what can i do ?? i took 10 pills of panadol cold and flu !!!! URGENT PLZZ?
i took 10 pills of panadol cold and flu (day) .. i drank lost of water now oo i drank some hearbal tea that cause to go to poop .. i also made myself vomit ...

what can i do please help me ?? i can go to hospital !!

is there any thing i can do at home .. i just took it 5 hours ago !!!! ..


Posted by Lance M
call 911 and get to the hospital BEFORE you drop dead!!

Posted by AdnanLiaqat
just relax n eat something. u dont need to do anything.no need to visit hospital n to panic

Posted by Lady of the flowers.
Overdosing on laxatives (or anything that has the same effects) is dangerous. You need to seek IMMEDIATE medical help.

You shouldn't make yourself sick to get rid of what you've taken unless told to do so by someone who knows what they're talking about.

There's nothing you can do at home, sorry.

Posted by Lulu Monkey
Panadol contains paracetamol, which is very dangerous to overdose on even if you feel fine..it can cause long term liver damage without you knowing. They also contain chemicals which can make you feel unwell if you take too much. I'm not sure if you have taken them all at the same time, or gone over the recommended dose throughout the day. Either way, you should see a Dr immediately so they can check the levels of paracetamol in your blood and make sure you're OK. I would recommend going to hospital straight away if you took them all at once. I hope also you will talk to someone about about why you did this, and wish you all the very best :o Take the packet with you to the hospital so they know what meds they contain X

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