I had swollen lymph nodes for a week, missed a period, and have been having general flu-like symptoms?
I noticed two swollen lymph nodes on the side/back of my neck. I went to the doctor, and got a mono test which came out negative along with a full blood work-up, all with normal results. I also went to my OBGYN for my annual and regular STD testing, all with normal results. Once the swelling started going down, I realized that I am over a week late on my period. I have been having flu-like symptoms, especially after I haven't eaten in a while for 4 days now and a migraine on and off for 2. My doctor issued a pregnancy and UTI test; both were negative. My doctor just said we should wait and see, but that is kind of nerve-racking. Any suggestions?

Posted by Alyssa.nicole.

Posted by a c
sounds like u have a virus.
my kid had the same symptoms- he is 3 and no he didnt have a period!!!!!
the doc said to wait it out 2 weeks and them come back. they said that the virus will make him tired and run down- yep - so i wuldnt be surprised that your body isa little stressed out-
drink a lot of fluids and hope u feel better soon!

Posted by Michelle P
Did the doctor test your thyroid function?
Stress/anxiety can also have these symptoms. Give it a week and see how you feel, then go back to the doctors

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Orignal From: I had swollen lymph nodes for a week, missed a period, and have been having general flu-like symptoms?