What can i take to ease my cold?

Posted by Simon | 9:51:00 AM

What can i take to ease my cold?
To all the Aussie mums, what can i take to ease my cold i am breastfeeding and my son is 5 weeks old, but this cold is making me feel like absolute s@#t! an as my husband works away i can't afford to got sick. Any suggestions would be great!

i.e can i take lemsip, cold and flu tables...

Posted by FiFi
Your best bet is to check with the chemist. Some medications can reduce your supply, so be careful. You could also try a homeopathic approach, tissue salts etc. Check out your local health food shop, or try a natureopath maybe. Its hard tho, you really can't take any normal over the counter remedies when you are breastfeeding. Good luck!

Posted by Kimberly Rex, Holistic Practice
Here are a few ways to support healing a cold naturally:

1. Go alkaline rather than acidic. This means increase vegetables and decrease red meat.
2. Avoid milk products to reduce mucus.
3. Drink lots of water.
4. Get sufficient sleep.
5. Give yourself Vitamin C. Eat cantaloupe, bell peppers, citrus, pineapple, and black cherries.
6. Drink honey, lemon and ginger tea: http://www.vintagesavoirfaire.com/apothe…
7. Decrease and avoid sugar.
8. Incorporate onion and garlic into your foods.
9. Drink green tea.
10. Use some accupressure pts.
a) coughing: start by crossing your arms. Then push your thumbs into the inside of your elbows while holding the opposite arms.

b) Do the same at your shoulders, pressing under your arm pits.
c) Tap on your sternum, about 2 inches down from wehre your l. and rt. collar bones connect. This activates the thymus which is closely associated with the immune system.
10. If you cannot do echinacea, oregon grape root works well as a supplement. Vitamin A, zinc, and pantethenic acid are also reported to help.
11. Aromatherapy of eucalyptus and tea tree oil help. Take a hot bath to inhale and clear congestion.
12. Eat some chicken soup : )

Warm Regards,
Resonance Repatterning modalities, Green Pharmacy book

Posted by brooke
if you choose to take a cold and flu tablet pump your breast before hand enough to feed the child for 5 hours after that the tablet will be out of your breast milk and you can resume feeding him or her but make sure you dont breast feed for 5 hours as the medicine will be in your system

Posted by lucy
Plenty of vitamin C will help you alot and if you have sore throat, take zinc as well.

double the dose on the instruction. it worked for me. The cold didn't stand for a day with me.

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