What does this sound like to you? A Cold? Flu? Virus?
I have an awful cold.
Bad chest, coughing, blocked nose, eyes are running streams, headache and i'm having pain in my calves (muscle behind my shin).
I'm finding it really hard to sleep though im very tired. Light is hurting my eyes. Basically feeling AWFUL.
Do these sound like flu symptoms.
Any idea whats wrong or do you think it's just a cold?
Need your help :(

Posted by ckm1956
It's a virus. Since both the flu and a cold are caused by viruses, then it could be either.

Posted by bleedingvenus
It depends how long its lasted and how bad your symptoms are. A lot of people these days think they have the flu, when its only a cold. A true case of the flu, leaves u so aching and lethargic you can barely get out of bed and usually lasts a couple of weeks. Its probably just a cold, nothing more u can do then rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Posted by Extroverter
I see that you have not said that you have a fever. This may be an indication that it is NOT the flu...but just a cold. With the flu usually you have a fever in conjunction with what you described. Now as long as it stays a cold you will have to dampen it's effects as follows:
1) Take Telfast Once A Day..until symptoms subside (usually a week to 10 days).DO NOT take any other medication (e.g. cold medications over the counter as these may contain properties as similiar to Telfast and you will be unwittingly overdosing yourself)
2) Drink at least two litres of water a day (flushes out the virus)
3) Take 2 +500mg each paracetemol tablets every 4 hours for the pain..but do not exceed 8 in 24 hours
Now if you feel suddenly worse (e.g. you develop a fever or you feel worse anyway) you have to go to the doctor ASAP as you may have developed the flu and/or an infection and for this you need antibiotics. By the way antibiotics are useless against the cold virus...or any viruses

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Orignal From: What does this sound like to you? A Cold? Flu? Virus?