What's a good remedy for a cold or flu?
I know chicken soup is good for a cold, but are there any other home remedies that work for you?
Is it starve a fever & feed a cold? Or is it starve a cold & feed a fever?

Posted by Rising Star
peppermint tea, lemon and honey are my two favorites

Posted by Terrence L
Starve the fever feed the cold.

I take one dose of both nyquil and thera-flu 15 min before bed.

Posted by GUCCI
Vitamin C, drink lots of water n rest more. Avoid fried foods n oily foods

Posted by *Just Another Girl*
I'm not familiar with your saying...but for the flu I would suggest lots of rest and sipping room temperature water...then graduating to chicken broth.

With colds I tend to drink extra juice for the Vitamin C. I eat as normally as I can with a cold. With the flu i stick to fluids only until the 3rd day or so.

Posted by unknownchild
honey lemon tea rest and fresh air dont stay boxed up inside. open a window or door and breath in some fresh air even if its cold out but for gods sake dont stay there for long if your cold go in warm up and repeat

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