Why do some people insist on taking antibiotics for a cold or the flu?
Also, why do doctors still prescribe them when they're not necessary? Antibiotics kill bacteria... cold and flu are viruses!
Posted by Amberly Pattison
well, sadly there are many people who are not as smart as you and I, and sadder still is that there are doctors on that list.
Posted by paula d
People just think they can go to a doctor, get a pill, and all of their problems will go away. If the doctor can't "fix" them, they must be a bad doctor. They don't want to pay some guy $ 100 to tell them to go home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. Why do people go to the doctor for cold and flu symptoms anyway? There are enough over the counter drugs to relieve symptoms where you don't need a doctor bill on top of it.
Posted by Heather
I guess some people feel that they won't get better unless they have some pill they can pop to make them better...I agree that certain ailments do call for medication.. but I strongly feel that as a society we have relied on medications far too much and we go to that first, instead of seeking alternatives that may actually improve our condition...docotrs are just as guilty..they are all too quick to write the script before they even know all of the sypmtoms!!! TOO SAD!!
Posted by TITO
Because some people are ignorant.
Posted by Paulie Poo
If a bacterial infection triggered the cold perhaps it at least gets rid of the infection. Your pic looks like Jackie Onassis, nice.
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