Yahoo Wrestling Federation Episode 10 (No Way Out PPV) Part 3 +BQs?
World Heavyweight Champion - Heith
YWF Champion - Christian Viper
United States Champion - Vince McMahon Rules
Intercontinental Champion - Adam
Unified Tag Team Champions - Me and Brett Daniels
Royal Rumble Winner - The Extreme Jeff Hardy

Christian Viper vs. Million Man vs. The Extreme Jeff Hardy vs. The Virus vs. Brett Daniels vs. Noah Remondlli in an Elimination Chamber for the YWF Championship
Jeff and Noah shake hands and start the match. Noah wrenches his arm and locks in an armbar. Jeff quickly escapes and hits a leg drop. Jeff goes to the top rope and then the top of the cell. When Noah gets up, Jeff attemps a clothesline, but Noah dropkicks him in midair. Noah hurricanranas Jeff into a turnbuckle and Jeffs laid out. Noah goes to the top and goes for a Kraken Splash, but Jeff Spears Noah in midair. Jeff goes to the top rope and the fans begin counting down. Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb and Brett Daniels enters the match. Brett goes to the top and hits a diving crossbody on Jeff. Brett locks in Pain Sqaured (submission) on Noah and he taps. Brett then hits Power Surge (sit-out powerbomb) on Jeff and pins him. Brett goes to the top and shouts "I'll sit and spin for a little while, but if it's the end of days, I'm going out in style!" The fans coutdown and The Virus enters the match. Virus hits a backbreaker on Brett then throws him into the ropes. Brett comes off the ropes and runs into a big boot. Virus pins only to get two. Virus goes to the top rope. When Brett stands up, Virus hits Systems Crash (Diving Headbutt). Virus goes to the top again and hits Memory Erased (A 360 Flip Leg Drop) and pins Brett. The fans countdown and Million Man enters the match. Million Man delivers alot of backhand chops and an atomic drop. He dropkicks Virus and locks in a crossface. Virus picks Million Man up on his back and slams him into a turnbuckle. Virus clotheslines Million Man. Kane attemps a powerbomb, but Million Man reverses and hits an Arm Twist Kick. Million Man then goes to the top and hits a Diving Elbow. Million Man goes for the pin only to get two. Million Man picks Virus up over his head and slams him into Christian Viper's chamber, breaking the chamber. Heith has a shocked look on him face. Million Man throws Virus aside. Christian hits a european uppercut and then a dropkick on Million Man. Christian picks up Virus and hits the Killswitch on him and pins. Million Man comes up behind Christian and hits the Full Nelson Slam. Million Man locks in the Sharpshooter and he taps.

Heith vs. Shaun Cold vs. Sean Borders vs. Mr Chicago vs. Big Mike vs. Ric F in an Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Shaun Cold and Big Mike start the match. Ric is talking to Mike and Shaun Cold comes from behind a suplexes him. Shaun locks in a cobra clutch. Mike breaks out and goes to the outside of the ring. Shaun goes to the outside and Mike starts attacking him. He hits Shaun with a roundhouse kick and Vince McMahon Rules walks to the ring with bolt cutters and The Virus, The Oklahoma Beast, Will, and Luis V follow follow Vince. Shaun and Big Mike stop attacking each other and watch as Vince begins to cut the chain from the Elimination Chamber. He cuts a hole big enough for him to get through and all of Fortune begin attacking Shaun and Mike. Vince hits a Stunner on Shaun and Will hits the Frog Splash on Mike. Luis busts open Ric F's chamber and begin attacking him. The Virus hits Ric with Systems Crash (360 Flip Leg Drop). Will and Vince work together and break open Mr Chicago and Sean's chambers. Chicago hits Shaun with a One Arm Powerslam and pins Shaun. Sean locks in the Texas Cloverleaf on Mike and he taps. Chicago goes over to Ric with a Crucifix Powerbomb and pins Ric. Everyone surrounds Heith's chamber. Savior by Rise Against hits and Me, The Extreme Jeff Hardy, Noah Remondelli and Brett Daniels come to the ring. Me and Team YWF start attacking Fortune and force all of the members except for Mr Chicago and Sean Borders out of the ring. The rest of my team leaves the ring. I hit both Chicago and Borders with a Stunner and Heith's chamber opens. Heith Punts Chicago's head and pins him. Heith locks in the Crippler Crossface on Borders and he taps out.

Which match was the best?
What would you rate the show?
If you want to join the YWF, just post an application below consisting of:
Birthday (doesn't have to be real life birthday)
Theme Song
Ring Attire
Style (High Flying, Dirty, Powerful, Showoff, Hardcore)
Prefered Brand (We don't have brands yet, but once we get more people to join we might)
Crowd Reaction (Cheer or Boo)

Posted by Josh Extremer/Matt Striker fan
Its pretty good. Thank god the Virus lost hes a moron

Posted by The 3xtreme Jeff H@rdy
Nice show


Promo-congratulation on your victory tonight Christian Viper but dont worry you wouldn't hold this title for a long time because i challenge you to a match next weex and it gonna be for the YWF champion do you acept my challenge.But if you Acept,im gonna beat you and become the new YWF champion.

Posted by Shaun Cold (Elite) nWo WS6
PROMO: I don't even have to go into detail right now, but I am getting a rematch versus Heith, and no Fortune or Team YWF will be involved. To insure of this, if ANYONE interfears in the match, then they are fired, AND cause the World Heavyweight Championship become Vacanted. I am not a Greedy champ, I will defend my title one by one against the people who deserve it. I am not on Team YWF or Team Fortune, because I have my own group: They are the Billions of ColdHeads, also known as the Paying Fans. *Cheers* Yeah that's right, and You all heard it from The Future People's Champion: The Shaun Cold!

Best: YWF Title Match
Rate: 9/10

Posted by Mason
Sean shouldve won.

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Orignal From: Yahoo Wrestling Federation Episode 10 (No Way Out PPV) Part 3 +BQs?