5 year old with runny nose and cough!?
2 weeks ago, my son had a slight fever with runny nose. it only lasted 2 days. I gave him some tylenol cold and he was ok. Since that time, he has had a runny nose and developed a slight cough this week. I have given him dimetapp everytime I see his symptoms come back, (which is once a day). The worst of his runny nose and cough seems to be when he wakes up in the morning, and right after his bath at night. During the day, the runny nose and coughing stops (pretty weird to me)

I dont want to give him anymore cold medicine, because I know it only makes him feel better, not cure the virus. The cold does not seem to bug him, except for his nose dripping. So, is it time I take him to the doctor? (I have taken him before and all they tell me to give him meds to make him feel better) or any other suggestions? Also, in your opinion, would you think he needs the flu shot?
For the first person who responded: I am not seeking medical advice, but opinions from other parents. At one time or another, all parents go through similiar situations with their children. Don't judge people based on their questions, or just respond merely to earn some points.

Posted by casperpitbull
dr works wonder why are you asking folks that dont know are care your baby health comes before yahoo answer

Posted by Jamie R
I would always give him the Flu shot just in case but it sounds like it might be allergies. I just recently found out that my son has allergies (and he's only 4). I would take him to the Dr so he could make a better assesment.

Posted by perth2clarky
kids just seem to pick up a lot of bugs and viruses. Having hasd three chui;dren the DRs normally just say it is a virus and give nothing for it. This is the best thing to do as having a runny nose is the bodies way of getting rid of the germs that are causing the cough.

having a cough late and night and early in the morning is common as these are the cooler parts of the day and this is the time for some reason that if you have cough it will seem worse.

if my children are sick with a cold I will give them some cough mixture at night just to help them sleep if they are not sleeping very weill how ever most Drs will advise against this as children need to build up an immunity to certain germs.

The best time to give the flu shot is just before winter but it is really up to you. if you are worried you should seek medical help.

hope this helps

Posted by dark eyes
If he isn't running a fever anymore, it's just a cold. Give him lots of fluids, no dairy products [it builds up the mucus in his cough] and make sure he's getting lots of vitamin C and rest.

Posted by tx_chick89
hmmm...it may be him adjusting to the new weather b/c of winter coming.. i work at a doctor's office and i see that a lot but i would get him a flu shot if it is possible.. also, if it keeps going take him to the doctor's office again... got a Question.. e-mail me

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Orignal From: 5 year old with runny nose and cough!?