Is it ok to take Nyquil Cold & Flu and Sudafed PE cough & cold the same day?
This morning around 4:45 am I took some sudafed PE because I have a really bad cold. I was wondering if it would be alright for me to take Nyquil right before I go to bed tonight? It's already been 14 hours since I took the Sudafed and I don't plan on going to bed for a few more hours. I was just curious because on the Nyquil bottle it says not to use the product with other medicines containing acetaminophen (which Sudafed does contain) I don't have any Sudafed PE left - all I have is Nyquil! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted by Rachel
Yes, that's completely fine. When it says that on the box it just means don't use any other products that contain acetaminophen at the same time. For examle, you wouldn't want to take sudafed at 7am and then nyquil at 9am because in such close proximity the doses of acetaminophen in both medications could damage your liver. But as long as you wait 6 hours between taking them you will be completely fine.

Posted by ~GЯACE~
you're fine, there is enough time between the two doses.

Posted by valley_shadows
it will knock you out

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