can flu shot give you cold or flu symptoms?
i took the flu shot two days ago and i feel like i have a small flu is it normal?

Posted by An-Atomi
yes it is normal. the flu shot is contains destroyed virus pieces. when they get injected into your body, sometimes your body actually thinks you have the real flu--even though you dont. this is why you can get some slight fever-type symptoms the next day. your body is tricked into thinking youre sick. but youre not and your body quickly realizes this. thats why youre only sick for about a day. whereas, with the real flu, youre sick for 1-2 weeks.

take some tylenol and drink some hot tea. youll feel better tomorrow, i promise.

best wishes.

Posted by SteelersRNumberOne
yes.. when you recieve a flu shot, they are injecting the influenza virus into your body to see if or how your body rejects it..

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