Germs and Flu/Cold Help?

Posted by Simon | 5:52:00 PM

Germs and Flu/Cold Help?
A kid sneezed all over his hands in class today, did not wash them and then proceeded to pass out worksheets and handled every corner of them. I have to do this homework by Wednesday but I don't want to touch the paper at all. What do I do? Will the "gunk" die overnight?

Posted by Rabby
Most cold/flu virus's only last a few hours believe..but since your a germaphobe like me..I would spray the paper with lysol and let it dry..I mean don't drinch it but just lightly spray.

Posted by renea angela
Take the paper with gloves and make a copy. You do the homework in that copy

Posted by Lexy
lol no hunny the germs will probaly die off in about a week

Posted by awommack

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