Can you get a shot while you have a cold?
I know for flu shots its not recommended, but for any other needle is it okay? Im getting my HPV shot on tuesday and I just wanted to make sure its safe. I think it is though. Could someone confirm for me?

Posted by nschwantje
Please ask a doctor. Your health is important. I do not think that medical doctors generally answer Yahoo Answers. Or you could ask a public health nurse. They usually don't cost anything. I wouldn't rely on John or Jane Doe on Yahoo to answer.

Posted by Mary L
HPV Risk Examined
Dempsey counters that it is unlikely that a sexually active woman has been exposed to all four HPV types that the vaccine protects against, so denying her the vaccine based on her sexual past could jeopardize her health.

"Few studies have evaluated the ability of specific risk factors to predict future HPV infection prospectively," Dempsey and colleagues write in the July issue of Pediatrics. "This is an important distinction, given that HPV vaccines must be provided before vaccine type-specific infection to be effective."

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