How can some people get the flu and others not at all (flu shot or not)?
Every year I'm pressured into getting the flu shot by my mom and every year I never get it. Furthermore, I have yet to get the flu. I get colds that last 5-7 days or a little trickle in my throat now and again, but I honestly can't remember the last time I got the flu. I had to have been in grade school (I'm now in my early 20s). My father's the same way. I can't even remember the last time I've seen him sick with any kind of flu. He's never rushed anywhere to get a flu shot either.

Other than your immune system, what makes people get the flu and others just barely (if at all)? Can people have a natural immunity to it or is it purely your immune system and how much exposure you've had to it?

Posted by Dr Goddess™ (future in medicine)
I haven't had the flu since I was in my teens.

Here's my take on it. Some people have stronger immune systems than others, and can avoid illnesses better than others. If you take vitamins, especially C that can help you avoid the flu. You have others who more likely are susceptible to the flu, and other illness like people with weaker immune systems, as well as younger children.

Posted by Dr. A J.
More than likely, you've "never" gotten the flu because of your seasonal flu shot. It is, however, possible that those things you consider colds for 5-7 day were in fact an influenza infection that your body managed to fight off quickly. You are still quite young, and your immune system is very strong. I never really got sick in my 20's either, and that is when i attended medical school. We examined patients with the flu and various other upper respiratory tract infections all the time, and most of us managed to stay healthy.

Proper hygiene also has a lot to do with you. Properhand washingg is so important that a Prof. Semmelweis a very long time ago received a Nobel Prize for his paper about the medical benefits of hand washing.

Now, you mention that your father is "the same way" -- hardly ever gets sick -- it could be genetic that you are healthier than average, or just your family practices...e.g. diet, hygiene, etc.

Either way, keep doing what you are doing, and count your blessings everyday!

Posted by Shakera
Well, a "flu" is actually a bunch of symptoms that can be triggered by several viruses. For example, most of the so called "flu" cases every year are caused by viruses such as the rhinoviruses, RSV, and other respiratory viruses and seldomly by influenza virus. All the other viral infections will give you similar symptoms, so having a "flu" shot means you are protecting against only the influenza virus, not the other viruses which are much more common.

Some people are more susceptible to colds because of weaker innate immunity. Exposure levels also matter, but susceptibility does have a genetic aspect to it.

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