Do i have Swine Flu or am i just worrying?
I think i have swine flu, my legs where aching yesterday, the day before my back was aching (but there fine now) i have a cough (could be a chest infection but it's more like a tickly cough than a chesty one) i'm sneezing every 5 minutes or so, my nose is completley blocked one minute and the next its ok but runny, symptoms of swine flu or just a cold?
i'm due to fly out to Tenerife on wednesday with my son Charlie who is VERY excited, i'm scared i'm going to test positive for swine flu and i'm going to ruin his holiday.
no you carnt ive just tried it so stop getting points for giving false answers!

Posted by NNZ1991
Maybe you should see a doctor.

Posted by rja606
i think you should... your son would understand..its better to get better faster then to wait. i know i would. im 10 so i should now.

Posted by Sweet Cherry [3.14]
the thing is, Swine Flu and regular flu have the EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS, so you could just have regular flu. In fact, Swine Flu is known to be even less severe than the regular flu, and isn't any more easily transmitted than the regular flu is. The only reason why it has been attributed to deaths is because those who died from it were either suffering from another health problem causing their body to be unable to handle it, or they were very old or very young. Aside from that, it was bad in places like Mexico where high quality health care isn't available to most people...since you say you are scared you will test positive for the flu, I assume you can afford the health care needed.

Think about this...Rupart Grint, of the Harry Potter movies, had the Swine Flu a couple of weeks ago...he was only out of work for about 2 days and was then allowed to return to work...and he works on a movie set with hundreds of people.

Don't let the hysteria get to you...go to the doctor and get will most likely have regular flu, and even if you DO have swine flu, you should be fine to go on wednesday provided that you get on antibiotics this weekend [which would be the same with the regular flu].

Posted by Zion
Check this site out, my dear:

It will help you a lot.

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Orignal From: Do i have Swine Flu or am i just worrying?