Has anyone experienced body aches similar to flu-like sypmtoms as an early pregnancy symptom?
I am 13 DPO, and have had a negative pregnancy test. My period is expected in 2 days. I have been experiencing body aches in my lower back upper body, legs, and headaches off and on. I keep feeling like I am going to get the flu, but I have just been achy. Has anyone or is anyone experiencing this?
It has been 4 days now. I am still achey with no other symptoms.

Posted by ~*Mama-of-Two*~
No, its probably just the flu.

Posted by Heather B.
Feeling "flu-ey" is a common symptom in early pregnancy. Are you experiencing any breast tenderness, nausea, sleepiness or smell sensitivity that is unusual? Those are other common symptoms to keep an eye out for.

Posted by ARMY*WIFE[joody chop!!]
yes, my whole first trimester felt like a hangover - aches and all.

Posted by Bootylicious
Sorry I have not. Call your doctor and talk to him/her.

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Orignal From: Has anyone experienced body aches similar to flu-like sypmtoms as an early pregnancy symptom?