How can I get rid of a bad cold?

Posted by Simon | 9:48:00 AM

bad cold
by seligr

How can I get rid of a bad cold?
I have a cold. My ears,throat,jaw and head hurts. I have a really bad runny nose. Now my nose is so sore it hurts to even blow my nose. I was wondering if there was any home remedies that will help me get rid of my cold?

Posted by kraylan
Rest and relaxation...

i also recommend Airborne next time you feel like you are getting a'll kick it right out before you really get it.

Posted by jcampwick
lots of fluids and sweat it out. Take a very hot bath, dress in a bunch of clothes, socks too and go snuggle up in bed. You will sweat it out. works for me.

Posted by robo1
What always works for me is taking my usual cold medicine, but pump yourself full of vitamin C. There is a product that you can get at CVS or Trader Joe's called "Emergen-C" it is a powder you mix with a cup of water and drink once or twice a day, it is loaded with vitamin c and other vitamins.

I highly recommend using it anytime, especially for colds and hangovers!!!

Posted by Jay
well i tell all my patients to come and see me because you probably have an infection u can fight those common cold viruses with a lot of oranges and orange juice some hot lemonade could help with some theraflu read please the instructions when consuming any drugs over the counter use some soft kleenex for youre running nose so u wont hurt it no more hope i was some help but if none of that helps please consult youre family doctor

Posted by hinata fire fox
i dont know if you have this medicene where you live or not but in trinidad we use alot of herbal remedies like fever grass and honey and paregoric when you have a bad cold
brew the fever grass and drink it like a tea and drink lots of juices and soups
also if you can get your hands on some fisherman friend cough drops it will help with the sore throat
and when you going to sleep at night rub some vicks on your chest and back it will ease your coughing and help you sleep better
trust me these remedies work because i just got over a bad cold

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