How can I keep myself from repeatedly getting colds/flu?
For the past 6 months, it seems like I'm always having problems with some sort of cold, flu, or sinus issues. Occasionally I run a fever and sometimes I get swollen glands in my throat. This time around I have laringytis and it seems to be more of a chest cold. Any idea of stuff that can help me from repeatedly getting sick?

Posted by asdf
Sounds like your immune system might be weak. The first thing you should do is to make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of sleep (around 8 hours). The next time you feel like you are getting sick you should take Zicam (Zinc) which is known to help boost the immune system. Drink lots of fluids like orange juice. Hope that helps.

Posted by Jeff T
If you tend to get sick a lot, one of the easiest things that you can do is to take some precautionary steps when you're already sick.

Try to:
-get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
-wash your hands often, especially when you are in public places like a school or an office.
-use Anti-Viral tissues (Kleenex makes them) b/c when you sneeze, they kill the cold and flu bugs right inside the tissue.
-and eat healthy foods, esp. veggies and fruits. Your diet has a lot to do with it.

And if you keep having these problems, it's definitely worth seeing a doctor about them. There are some steps you can take on your own, but along with those you shouldn't hesitate to visit a doctor.

Feel better soon!

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