Fever with the common cold?

Posted by Simon | 1:49:00 AM

Fever with the common cold?
My daughter is 22 months old. She has come down with cold symptoms last night. She was up all night and today still has the "cold" symptoms with a fever of 101.8. I have given her tylenol and motrin and even a cool bath and nothing is bringing the fever down. She is not eating, though she still does "play" with her toys. Is this something to worry about?
It's infant tylenol...duh..I am not an idiot.

Posted by helios
you should NEVER give a 22 month old babby tylenol. it says right on it it should not be used for children under the age of 12. i suggest you get her to a doctor now.

Posted by Kelly
it sounds like it is just a cold, which is nothing to worry about, but i would consider bringing her to a doctor to make sure she does not have an ear infection or a sinus infection...all should be fine, but i would not hesitate to get a second opinion from her general doctor...good luck!

Posted by CaroLynnie
Okay well Helios...She's a mother and not stupid, so I assume she gave her daughter BABY tylenol and motrin. There is such a thing.

To answer your question, I would call her pediatrician and ask him/her. It may just take an extra day or so for her temp. to go down, or it might be something her dr. wants to see her about. But I would def. give the doctor a call, it can't hurt.

Posted by the_only_solorose
101.8 is not of concern in a small child...104 yes.

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