How long does it take for symptoms of swine flu to start after being in contact with someone suspected of it?
last week on thursday i went to my doctors because i had conjunctivitis and its now a week later. earlier today my friend told me that the doctor i saw last thursday now has swine flu (or is suspected of it). suddenly about ann hour ago i have a very very very minor sore throat, and one side of my head is in a little pain. i have not been in contact with anyone else during that week. also my friend came with me last thursday to the doctors and the day after she experienced the swine flu symptoms and we reckon she had caught swine flu ( but we did not know at the time that the doctor had it) her symptoms only lasted 3-4 days. i have not been in contact with her either. i am EXTREMELY worried about this as i have Cystic Fibrosis,(which means i have a very very weak immune system and more prone to infections/colds/flu) and if i get this swine flu it will be very unlikely that i will survive. im also very afraid to tell my mother because she will think i am overreacting and that im making it up (as usual) . keep in mind that i have not been in contact with ANYBODY else within the past week with flu-like symptoms as i live in the middle of nowhere. im 15 by the way.
thank you for your answers!

Posted by essentiallysolo
you would have been sick after about three days, not to worry.

Posted by TweetyBird
"How long does it take for symptoms of swine flu to start after being in contact with someone suspected of it?" -- 2-4 days. This is the incubation period and during this time people will be asymptomatic but contagious. Your friend had swine flu before she started showing symptoms.

Having CF actually means that you have an inherited condition that affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, saliva and digestive juices. Normally, these secretions are thin and slippery, but in cystic fibrosis, a defective gene causes them to become thick and sticky. These thick secretions tend to plug up ducts and passageways. People with CF don't have weak immune systems because of it. Due to the thick secretions they're more prone to infections.

You should most definitely have preventive care and should have had it already. Tamiflu may be the answer. Do you really think your mother, who KNOWS your condition and who along with your father passed on the defective genes to you, would think you're overreacting and making this up? Give her some credit. You may not get along with her but this is more important than any personality conflicts you two might have.

If she dismisses your concerns, turn to another relative or go to your doctor yourself.

Posted by Pankaj
Persons with swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection should be considered potentially contagious for up to 7 days following illness onset. Persons who continue to be ill longer than 7 days after illness onset should be considered potentially contagious until symptoms have resolved. Patients are recommended to stay at home for at least the first 7 days after illness onset except to seek medical care.

Here is the interesting link to get acquainted with some necessary information on Swine flu "Are you worried that you can be infected with swine flu?"

Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, runny nose, chills and fatigue. Many people have reported diarrhea and vomiting. Several illness and deaths have also occurred with swine flu infection.

Give your answer to this question below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center -
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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