can u catch a flu/fever from somebody through the air?
because 1 of my family members had some sort of flu/fever and then I got it but my family was very careful not to make anysort of contact with the one that was sick. (staying at a distance from eachother) so did I get it through the air or something then???

Posted by Mary S
Yes you can. Plus you can pick up germs off of a door handle or a book or some other object that an infected person touched before you.

Posted by TweetyBird
You cannot catch a fever. Fevers are symptoms, not diseases. Yes, you can catch a virus if it's sneezed or cough out into the air. Respiratory droplets from a person who has the flu will usually contain the flu virus and those droplets are expelled from the body via sneezing and coughing. In many cases, the hands of a person who has the flu make contact with their own respiratory droplets after a cough or sneeze. The unwashed hands then make contact with other people or frequently used objects.

Viruses can be transmitted by touching contaminated surfaces. Think about how many surfaces are used by every one of you -- counter tops, the refrigerator door handle, the phone, door handles, faucets, a staircase banister, the flushing handle on the toilet -- you could probably think of more.

Posted by jalapenos

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Orignal From: can u catch a flu/fever from somebody through the air?