I have a cold/flu, does anybody have good remedies?
I have a cold/flu. I've been feeling sick in my stomach, headaches, extremely sore throat, burning throat, running nose, and I haven't been sleeping well at night. I've had this for about 2 days, but I have a piano recital I have to go to tomorrow. Does anybody have any good remedies? Also, I'm making chamomile tea right now, that should help. :)
@ Hugo T;
I have manuka honey, and I just took a spoonfull just then with my chamomile tea. :)

Posted by Mrs.V
Dice up tiny pieces of garlic and swallow it down with some warm tea, also also to help sleep NyQuil pm works wonderful!

Posted by Sofia
Just Take Medicine Like NyQuil (Night Time) And Sleep
Oh Also Drink A Lot Of Water And Put Some Vick's on your throat, nose
and back it help really:)
hope this makes you feel better

Posted by Hugo T
this works for me most times, it's weird, don't know why it works but ... if you can stomach it, crush up a garlic clove and put one in each sock and wear your socks to bed, the oil seeps slowly into your body overnight, and you feel great in the morning, massage your face gently especially your temples before sleep and sinus area, first thing in morning drink some hot water with lemon squeezed in it and drink plenty of fluids, but fluids that don't contain sugar, avoid acid foods and try and let your body relax so it can heal itself, quick fixes are great and sometimes necessary but you're body is only showing you it's sick because it's fighting, and your body is a great fighter so do what you can to make it's job easier.
olive leaf oil is suppose to be amazing if you have that also - good food, no fats, chicken soup also.
good luck!
oh also if you can get some manuka honey for your throat that would be amazing

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Orignal From: I have a cold/flu, does anybody have good remedies?