Stomach virus vs. food poisoning?

Posted by Simon | 5:50:00 PM

Stomach virus vs. food poisoning?
Are there specific symptoms to tell if you have a stomach virus (stomach flu) or food poisoning? Thanks

Posted by Cupcake21
the neqw stomach virus thats out is a neuro-virus and the symptoms for that are throwing up and poisining will have a fever and vomiting and soem diarrhea and you will feel nausea

so to tell the difference with the new stomach virus that is going around and food poisining is that with the neuro-virus you wikll not see a sign of fever btu afterwards yuor body will ache a few days

Posted by afichick
Food poisoning is far more draining than a stomach virus. Everytime someone I know has it, and the times I've had it minorly, it definately feels more like that "Oh my gosh I'm dying" feeling than "Oh my gosh make me stop being ill". It zaps your energy and you barely have any energy to move. It is not a fun time at all!

Posted by sunflare63
A virus will make u weak and food poison will too.
Drink some apple cider vinegar and see if u feel better.
Rub oil on belly

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