From my symptoms, would you say I have a cold or flu?
-a stuffed up nose
-a dry cough
-I just took a nap with three blankets (my mom just did that to me) and now I woke up and I'm a little cold.
-I have congestion in my sinuses
-I feel a little fatigue
-I am not throwing up/I can eat fine
-I have mild diarhhea

What do I have? I got the H1N1 flu vaccine about 2 weeks ago..

Posted by Twilight lover #1
a would say a cold if you are not throwing up you should be ok if gets any worse i would go see a doctor though

Posted by disen87
It could be either one...and doesn't really matter which. Take some fever reducer like tylenol, something for the congestion if you want, keep drinking fluids, and rest up.

Posted by tjwuk
A cold. Isn't it just the Tamiflu that makes you throw up, not just the flu?

Posted by uniquefashionista
Sounds like you have a little bug or cold. It's common this time of year. For the next few days, get plenty of rest, drink a lot of orange juice and other fluids, eat soup and take a cold medicine that will address your symptoms. I like using Dayquil and Nyquil and try Sudafed as well. And, I know it sounds gross, but rub yourself down with Vick's Vapor Rub. It really opens up your nasal passages.
If you aren't feeling better within the next few days, it may be more than just a cold and you need to go to a doctor.
Hope you feel better soon.

Posted by ER-RN
To be the flu you would need to add a nasty fever, body aches, and usually a cough and sore throat. If I were in Vegas, I'd put my money on virus (a cold).

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Orignal From: From my symptoms, would you say I have a cold or flu?