What is the average incubation period for the flu?
My mom stayed at my house last night and left this morning, and then mid-day today she came down with one of the worst cases of flu, she can barely get out of bed. Could I have caught it from that minimal exposure, or is someone not contagious until they actually have the symptoms? Also can you catch it just by being near someone who has the flu (is it airborne?) I'm just trying to figure out how to know if I'm in the clear or if I should be worried. Thanks!

Posted by common sense
People infected with influenza are contagious, and can spread the virus, for a short time before they develop symptoms of their own. So yes, it's quite possible (probable, even) that you've been exposed - though exposure alone is certainly no guarantee you'll become symptomatic yourself.

Yes, influenza is an airborne disease, spread in tiny aerosol droplets that are produced by coughing and sneezing (as well as simply breathing).

Symptoms can develop rapidly after initial exposure, with incubation periods as short as 24 hours in some cases.

Best of luck... hope you don't catch it! sounds like a nasty one.

Posted by Wicked
you can catch the flu before. the chances that you got the flu are small, it will talk up to 3 day to tell. you could also fight if off

Posted by watch_out
i think it can take up to a week before you get symptoms

Posted by tjdrum7
ABOUT 6 days

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