Why is everyone freaking out about the swine flu all of a sudden?
I was watching the news and they were saying shots about the swine flu and i'm like it's only in India not in america why are they talking about it?

Posted by D
Cuz the government wants people to constantly freak out on something... As soon as something is over, another is up and scaring people!

Posted by eaglewingflaky
Because it's in America too. A lot of countries have it. It's spreading rapidly and a few of my friends have died from it.

Posted by Paul L
It's in America but it is still nothing to worry about more people die from normal flu than swine flu.

Edit Eagle your a lying retard.

Posted by Matt W
Uh what???
Its in every country!!!
Australia, Asia etc are not in India!!!

Posted by namairb2
Where have you been? On vacation for the past 6 months without TV or radio? The swine flu has been all over America in the past 6 months and still is. I'm not sure where or in what state you're in, but why you don't know already is beyond me. Good luck and God Bless
BTW- They've even closed many school districts, so if your of school age it's even harder to understand.

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