Does someone who's vaccinated against the flu have more chance of getting a common cold?
I was just wondering if someone who is vaccinated against the seasonal flu AND against the H1N1 virus. Would this person, if they caught a common cold or a little winter virus, have stronger symptoms and take longer to recover than someone who didn't get any vaccinations this year.

I was thinking that it might be possible since the body is creating anticorps against the 2 flus and doesn't produce AS MUCH for the other smaller viruses?


Posted by TweetyBird
"Does someone who's vaccinated against the flu have more chance of getting a common cold?" -- Having been vaccinated against seasonal flu and novel H1N1 flu won't increase or decrease your chances of contracting a cold. Would my having been vaccinated against measles affect my chances either way of getting chicken pox?

"Would this person, if they caught a common cold or a little winter virus, have stronger symptoms and take longer to recover than someone who didn't get any vaccinations this year." -- The answer is no. Why would flu vaccinations have this effect? What's your rationale for considering this a possibility? Vaccinations don't impair the body's ability to fight other microorganisms but a person's overall health and the state of their immune system may.

"I was thinking that it might be possible since the body is creating anticorps against the 2 flus and doesn't produce AS MUCH for the other smaller viruses?" -- What makes you think that other viruses are smaller than flu viruses? Adenoviruses, which are one virus that cause colds, are larger then flu viruses. It's not "anticorps", it's antibodies. It take only about two weeks for the body to produce sufficient antibodies to confer immunity and the immune system is quite capable of producing more than one type of antibody at one time. The body will produce as many as needed.

"...since the body is creating anticorps against the 2 flus..." -- It's not only two flus . The seasonal flu vaccine is a combination vaccine that protects against seasonal H3N2, type B and seasonal H1N1. The novel H1N1 vaccine protects against (of course) novel H1N1 flu. That's 4 flus.

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Orignal From: Does someone who's vaccinated against the flu have more chance of getting a common cold?