Can a child allergy to eggs be given swine flu vaccine?
My son is ellergic to eggs. Can he be given the swine flu vaccine?

Posted by versantly
when in doubt, ask the pediatrician.

Posted by Comet Wes
If the vaccine was grown in eggs then, no, he cannot have it or he will probably go into anaphylaxis and die. I just heard there are four different companies making it so maybe one of them made it in tissue culture instead of in eggs and that one would be safe for him. You should get the vaccine to help prevent him from getting the flu. And have everyone he knows get the vaccine, and everyone they know.

Posted by onlymatch4u
Many allergies to eggs like your son is having are are a result of nutritional deficiencies you had when you were carrying him. As you will soon see, those allergies will disappear over the next months to few years as his body develops. Typically egg allergies are caused by the inability of the body to process particular amino acids. Since eggs have ALL the amino acids required for the body, they are the most likely food to have this problem.

Since the vaccines use eggs and other animal parts to make the vaccines, it is not wise to inject those and other poisons loaded up in those vaccines to anyone, let alone a child that has any allergies.

NO child should ever be vaccinated. So many childhood problems stem from that garbage. Go to: and view her web site information to gain some knowledge of vaccines.

Then watch this video of how AIDS got started from the SV-40 virus that was in the polio vaccines that Merck produced for both Salk with the dead virus and Sabin that used the Live Virus in their vaccines that Merck made for them. Listen to Dr. Maurice Hilleman that you can google to see his credentials sprawled all over the internet.

We was in charge of the vaccine programs at Merck as chief scientist for that company. Look what he has to say in his own words how vaccine technology is "bargain basement technology" and why.

You need to know that the people promoting this insanity are not doing so for your health. Simply follow the money. Any doctor or nurse you see promoting vaccinations have obviously been indoctrinated and are not educating themselves on all the issues.

good luck to you

Posted by Lisa
Egg allergy is a contraindication to receiving any of the flu vaccines. Here are the manufacturer package inserts for all the swine flu vaccines, which say this.

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