Is it okay that I got my flu shot?

Posted by Simon | 5:51:00 PM

Is it okay that I got my flu shot?
I went to the doctor with a sore throat and cold symptoms, and she said that I had a virus. My doctor while I was there gave me a flu mist (like a flu shot goes up your nose) I asked her if that was ok while I was sick. And she said it was fine. But that doesn't seem right to me. is it ok that I got a flu shot while i was sick? it was the live flu bug she gave me not the dead kind that you get in normal shots.
she knew because she gave me a strep test

Posted by Elegant E
Maybe your doctor wasn't connecting the fact that you're already sick? I've always heard that you shouldn't get a flu shot/mist when you're ill... it won't be effective.

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Orignal From: Is it okay that I got my flu shot?