"my dog she is a mix beagle lab has been for the last week peeing back to back 7 or 8 times in a 5 min time sp?
"my dog she is a mix beagle lab has been for the last week peeing back to back 7 or 8 times in a 5 min time span with nothing but a drop or nothing this is totally uncharacteristic of her,she is eating fine drinking plenty of water cold wet nose, is there a..."
Posted by FidosCityGuide
Sounds like an infection, the vet can put her on antibiotics and clear it up in no time.
Posted by Kikn4JC
I would guess she has either a urinary tract infection. Take her to the vet.
Posted by Aduial
"Hello my name is George." That's what you use " " for. Not for segments.
Posted by R
Is your bitch spayed? If not she could be on heat or urinary tract infection.
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Orignal From: "my dog she is a mix beagle lab has been for the last week peeing back to back 7 or 8 times in a 5 min time sp?
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