What To Do about My Cold/Flu?

Posted by Simon | 1:49:00 AM

What To Do about My Cold/Flu?
I have a pretty bad cold or flu. I cannot walk because I go dizzy and my neck makes my entire body feel really heavy. I cannot talk because my throat really hurts and even when I try to talk I cant. I had a headache but it's eased off a little now but my stomach pains are still here (most likely because I am not eating anything). Yesterday I took paracetamol and a cup of Regulan (3.4g of Ispaghula Husk). Today, I have been taking Beechams or something - my Nan was giving it to me. Anyway, I actually suffer from Insomnia or something (I don't get tired after around three days awake) so I can't sleep very well. ):
Anyway, two questions for you:
1)What can I eat (Its 22:33 where I am, so I can;t go to the shops) with a sore throat (I have no allergies so don't worry).
2)Are there any remedies for my cold? Without medicine perhaps...
Thanks so much, please help!!
BTW: Should I take another Regulan before bed? Thanks xxx

Also, if you can answer: HOW CAN I STOP MY NOSE FROM RUNNING??!?!?!!??!?!!! Its so annoying!

Posted by mowerhead
You should really eat some chichen soup or broth. then call your doctor in morning.

Give your answer to this question below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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