What am I sick with? Cold, flu, allergies..?
So on New Year's Eve, I slept over my best friend's house and she just got 2 puppies. I know that I sometimes react to cats but never puppies. But all that night through the next day I was sneezing and sniffling. She also mentioned she had a minor cold and she too was sneezing and sniffling as well. Now that was Thursday/Friday and it's now Sunday and I feel worse. Yesterday my throat hurt, well it was more of a dry pain than a real sore throat. Today it's a but better but still scratchy. And I feel phlegmy in the back of my throat. My nose is dry but runny..If that makes sense.. I'm not sure if I have a fever because we don't have a thermometer. My Dad says I don't but he's always wrong with that [once I did have a fever and he said I didn't but I went to my Mom's and I had a temperature of 101]. Anyways, I don't really have the chills. I'm really hot with a sweatshirt on and cold in a long sleeve/t-shirt. So I don't know what that means. I'm pretty much sweating right now.. Ummm...I don't really have a cough but if I do cough it's dry. My head hurts but it's more like a dull pain and it kind of feels heavy when I stand. Also when I stand I see tons of spots but that might be from getting up quick. So I don't know what's wrong with me. I can pretty much rule out allergies but would I have caught a cold or whatever she had after only a few hours and show symptoms like less than 10 hours later? I don't know what I have so any help or thoughts would be great! But please don't just comment swine lol.
Thanks in advance(:

Posted by imsety
See your health care provider as soon as possible. Upper respiratory problems, including colds and flu, sore throat, ear pain or stiffness, runny nose, cough, hoarseness, swollen glands, and nosebleeds. A central question is important to each of these complaints: Is it caused by a virus, bacteria, or allergic reaction? In general, the doctor has more effective treatment than is available at home only for bacterial infections. Viral infections and allergies don't improve with treatment by penicillin or other antibiotics. To demand a "penicillin shot" for a cold or allergy is to ask for a drug reaction, risk a more serious " superinfection," and waste time and money. I hope this helps you. And good luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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