Is All This About The Swine Flu Annoying To You?
Isn't it just annoying how everyone thinks that they have the swine flu and are going to die and there is going to a pademic. Dosen't it just annoy you how people are freaking out about a little disease?

Posted by punkrock_gurl13
well ill admit im getting scared about it also but im trying to keep calm thinking there was soo many worse sicknesses out there like the bird flu and other stuff and we are all fine but i get what u are saying pretty much everyone thinks they are going to die but it is scary just everyone needs to keep calm

Posted by jessica anne
people have a right to be worried- this is a flu hybrid, with no sound cure..

it would be sweet if everyone could stop posting questions like "do i have swine flu?" "omg im gonna die im sneezing, do i have the swine?"

go see a frickin doctor if you are so worried, why sit on your computer asking people who have no way of helping you! sheesh..

Posted by siabelieva
Dude, I just finished asking that question. Everyone thinks it about me, though.

Posted by YoungShyCareerGirl
I hate to tell you, but being annoyed by swine flu is a symptom of swine flu. :~O

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