What are the differences between swine flu and seasonal flu?
Is swine flu as deadly as they claim it to be.Could the vaccine be more deadly than the vaccine itself as some claim it to be?I feel like there has not been enough research on this new vaccine about side affects for the people instead of using it on people before further research of using on rats first instead of people? Has any one survived the swine flu?Opinions welcomed.

Posted by NateNate
your mind

Posted by ArcTaurus
The regular flu has killed more people than anything else, ever.

Posted by Dick
The swine flu can only be contracted through intercourse with a pig.

While the seasonal flu in spread in more traditional manners

Posted by Lexxii.-
Although there are many similarities between the H1N1 virus and the seasonal flu, they are two different strains of influenza. The H1N1 virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. This virus is sometimes called Swine Flu because testing showed that many parts of this virus were similar to the flu viruses usually found in pigs.[1] In the spring of 2009, the virus began infecting humans and was called a novel virus, meaning that it is an infectious agent that humans have not ever been infected with before[2], unlike the seasonal flu, which most people have been exposed to at some point in their life.

Seasonal flu occurs annually and characteristics of strains can vary from year to year, which is why there is a different flu vaccine developed each year to combat seasonal flu. On average, seasonal flu infects between 5 and 20 percent of the population each year, causing approximately 36,000 deaths annually.[3] An August 7 report by the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology anticipates the infection rate among the population for H1N1 could be higher than that of seasonal flu, possibly infecting between 30-50 percent of the U.S. population and causing between 30,000 and 90,000 deaths. Unlike seasonal flu, which is responsible for deaths primarily in groups aged 65+, the report anticipates deaths from H1N1 will occur mainly in children and young adults. [4]

Posted by 13
not a whole hell of a lot other than we know it was man made.

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