Can a cold during pregnancy harm the baby?

My wife has a cold at the moment and is coughing a lot. She is concerned this may harm the baby. Can coughs and flu harm a baby? She is 22 weeks pregnant.

Thanks in advance.


Posted by babysisterchrissy
the baby will be fine. Get her a humidifier and make some herbal tea.

Posted by newcovenant0
Not likely, what will harm the baby is what she takes, be careful of cold meds, because they can cause developmental problems. Go to the doctor just in case.

I hope she gets to feeling better.

Posted by JS
Nope baby is safe and sound no worries about colds and flu.

Posted by Busy Diyosa
is your wife taking any vitamins? she should at least take some vitamin c to help boost her respiratory system.

the colds and cough are of great discomfort to a pregnant woman. if the cough is severe, it could harm the baby.

please, please, please go to your doctor so she can be prescribed with mild medicines. remember to tell her to take lots of vitamins and plenty of rest.

Posted by Michelle
Of course staying healthy is best for the mom, which in return in best for the baby. Before I knew I was pregnant with my first child I had a very bad cold. I even took many over the counter medicines etc. My daughter turned out just fine. Your wife should not take any medicine though without consenting with her doctor. As long as she doesn't catch pneumonia everything will be okay.

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