What's the best was to get to sleep when you're sufferind from a cold or flu?
When you've got the coughing, sneezing, and sore throat that come with a cold or flu, it can seem impossible to achieve the benefits of a good night's sleep—like better health, alertness, and improved mood. What are some remedies or medicines for getting to sleep when you're under the weather?

Posted by curious

Posted by JustDaniel
a good bit of lavender on your pillow and some vic on your back chest and nose.

Does the job for me every time

Posted by rivasj27
I just have a few heavy drinks and pass out.

Posted by littledevilinyourcup
I throw my pajama in the dryer so after a hot shower with one of those vapor bath things they will be warm. Followed by a hot toddy to relax and sooth the sore throat. I rub the bottom of my feet with vicks vapo rub and cover with socks (keeps your feet warm all night) I also put vicks on my upper back. If my nose is clogged I rub a little bit down the sides of my nose too. I also usually take some tylanol cold and flu night time formula. I then crawl into bed and read until I fall asleep.

Posted by c C ♥ ♥

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