Why are the cold and flu so prevalent during this particular season?
I don't understand why exactly there is such a spike in cases of the cold and flu during the winter months. Is it that our immune systems are slowed down, or that the germ itself is just more common? Also, why would either of these cases be true exactly, what is the underlying cause?

Posted by radioactivelauren
It's quite simple. When you are physially cold, your body has to work a lot harder than normal to keep you running. This means that your body gets tired and run down, and whilst your immune system is focusing on keeping you warm etc, a cold/flu bug finds it much easier to penetrate it.

Also, during winter - people tend to use commuter routes much heavily - and force themselves onto trains harder than they would in the summer (when it's not so bad waiting for the next train) it's this compaction that makes it easier for cold/flu to spread.

Posted by debbied81
during the cold months, people tend to stay indoors and in close quarters more, so that germs are spread more easily.

Posted by Gecko Juice
When youre cold your body uses extra energy to self-warm and your amune system is diminished.
Also youre usually indoors closer to people.

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