Why did my arm bleed after getting a flu shot?
So today I got a flu shot (for the first time) at my University's health center and it was administered by a nurse. What I thought was weird though is that after I left, I noticed that my arm was bleeding. Usually when I get a shot (any kind), it doesn't bleed and if anything, it's only a tiny spec but today it was actually bleeding- the bandaid filled with blood. Is that bad?

Also, if my arm bled, does that mean some of the vaccine came out with it?

Posted by kittyneedscheezebooga
Nothing to worry about, they probably hit a blood vessel. I get allergy shots, sometimes my arm bleeds other times it doesn't :0)

Posted by BIKER DUDE
Because you have a hole in your arm. no..the vaccine didn't come out.

Posted by 27PurpleRoses
Don't know just why it bled, you were poked wrong with the needle, maybe. The vaccine does not come out with the blood.

Posted by firefighter1797
Some people just cant work a needle as well as others. You might have a nurse that hits the spot on the first time and you walk away with a tiny speck, other times they might take a couple tries, hit some stuff they aint supposed to LOL and you will walk out bleading with a huge bruise in a couple of days. In anycase, the vaccine did not come out, once its injected, it is pretty much instantly absorbed into your blood stream. You might end up with a bruise at the point of entry but it will soon dissapear as with any bruise

Posted by Josh
no..they put a cotton swab on it to help it..your blood will clot and heal the hole..it aint nothing to worrie about..

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