Why do you get a fever from cold?
If you sleep at night with AC on without enough blankets, or if you go out in the rain and soak yourself, you are likely to get a fever and a "cold". But why is that? How will AC or cold temperature give you fever?
Posted by chiquitin
many people think that the cold gives you the flu. what really happens inside your miraculous body is: cold temperature is a cause for you immune system to drop. a body that is low in defenses is more prone to be attacked by our infected environment. when you catch the flu, there is a foreign object in your body which you body now thinks that it has to attack. your body gets really hot (aka. a fever) to kill the substance that entered your body.
Posted by Terry S
When you get cold, your body will sometimes start generating more heat to compensate for the ambient temperature. Shivering is one way the body helps generate more heat. It is a process of several hormones that control metabolism.
When you catch a cold, your body begins to increase its heat production. This is an immune system response. The body is trying to fight off the viral invader by "cooking" it to death. However, many other defensive processes are at work as well, like:
Increased mucus production
Cough reflex
Nausea and vomiting
Frequent, unexplained fevers should be evaluated by a medical physician. There may be an underlying cause such as hyperthyroidism, 'walking' pneumonia, other lung disorders or heart disease.
If you have fevers often and cannot explain why, then see your family doctor for a check-up. Keep a diary of the times and conditions surrounding the fevers. Take that with you to your doctor.
MedlinePlus - Health Topics
Hope this helps.
Posted by monkeymomma46
I have heard that is not true, like when your little and your parents tell you to get out of the cold cause you will get sick ! I've heard that being in the cold has nothing to do with getting a cold . Cause its a virus and you get it from others, i guess. also , when you get a fever thats a way your body is telling you that something is wrong ! Like you could have more then a cold, like an infection or something more serious that needs medication!
Posted by Trunks
when you are sleeping you are body becomes unstable and easily loses heat meaning your body's temperature decreases so , you sleep with air conditioner on all night long let's say you put on high without stopping and and you have no shirt on your chest your body absorbs the cold and the air becomes unsaturated meaning too much air in your body and your body can't take it anymore and the air go to your lungs to cause sinus, and if your body doesn't feel good before it starts to bother meaning by getting things like fever as you described
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