Why is swine flu 2009 considered propaganda?

Posted by Wasgasdg
Really its not that much of a propaganda but the reason it is considered as a propaganda is because it had spread nationwide I suppose

Posted by TweetyBird
Pigs get swine flu. People get novel H1N1 flu.

Why is it considered by some to be propaganda? Ignorance, I suppose.

Posted by Weise Ente
It isn't by anyone in the infectious disease field. Only conspiracy nuts think it is propaganda.

Posted by Leigh
the term swine flu is propaganda, because you cant actually get it from pigs, so it caused thousands of pigs to be unnecessarily slaughtered out of fear of catching it and the meat was wasted. also the way that they advertised it as this super flu was propaganda, considering it is actually much less deadly then the normal flu, they were just worrying about it spreading and made it out to be this killer flu. people should exercise caution, but not freak out about it.

Posted by Fly B
Perhaps because the swine flu is more popularized than the normal seasonal flu. The seasonal flu and swine flu are two separate illnesses. I suppose what makes it propoganda, is that in 2009 more people died of the seasonal flu than did the swine flu, yet the swine flu was highly popularized as an epidemic, and the "spread" of it was being tracked and made a big deal out of in the media. Meanwhile the non-publicized seasonal flu has killed more people...

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