7 Month With a Runny Nose. Cold or Just Teething, How Can I Tell?
she seems to feel ok but has a runny nose and some sneezing. drainage is very watery or clear like. Should I take her in or give it a few days? Could it be related to teething?
thanks ladies! So far she is super happy and seems unaffected by the runny nose and sneezing. I will cross my fingers :)

Posted by Skylin Grace's Mommy
i would give it a few days to see if any other symptoms arise. teething can cause cold symptoms so if she seems okay other than what you have written i would think its teething.

Posted by Da Princess
its more than likely teething cuz if ur baby was sick or not feeling good, she would b crabby and annoyed.. and more than likely crying.. if ur baby just has a runny nose and seems perfectly fine as far as attitude goes, than its teething. only take ur baby in if she starts to get extremely fussy or refuses to eat

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