Are you planning on getting the flu vaccine? How about getting your children vaccinated?
"Every year in the US, on average, 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications; and about 36,000 people die from the flu." -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

It never seizes to amaze me how many people decide against getting the flu shot although they are available just about every where from hospitals to churches and even grocery stores. These may be mere statistics to some but they are real. Influenza kills people. I know this from personal experience. My uncle died about three years ago from just the flu.

Recently, on an early show there was a story about a child [just four years old] who died practically overnight from the flu. The parents didn't even realize she had it until it was too late. There are several articles [probably even in your area] of young children, healthy adults, and elderly dying from the flu every year.

So, why don't people get the vaccination for their children or themselves? Is the fear of catching a common cold after the shot greater then the fear of death? If you do get the vaccination every year do you get sick at all or come down with the flu?

Here are just a few articles from across the nation last year of seemingly 'healthy' people dying of influenza:

Here is an article debunking the idea that you can get the flu from the vaccine from the CDC:

I don't get it nor do our kids get it. The flu shot protects against a few strands of the flu and unless you get that particular strand, it's basically taking preventionary medication. I prefer to build up my own antibodies and not have something dictating unneccesarily. My kids are 5.5 and 2.5 and never had they had the flu. Could you imagine if for the past five years I'm giving them medicine that they didn't require! Unless you're more susceptible to these problems, Proper handwashing works miracles!

Posted by AV
We always get the flu shot. My daughter, born with a cleft lip/palate, is very susceptible to upper respiratory troubles. She is prone to ear infections, sinus infections. A minor cold in a child will turn into so much more for her. The peds and her surgeon consider her to be a bit of a high-risk child, so she, her brother, and my husband and I do get the flu shots. In fact, they have their appt at the end of the month.

I should also mention that now that my little gal is in kindergarten, she is definitely more exposed to illnesses. The flu shot, though it might not necessarily prevent all strains, is something very much worth it in her case.

Posted by M2S
I am 18 weeks pregnant and just got my flu shot. My 13 month old daughter and my husband are both due for their shots, as well. I agree ... why wouldn't people get the flu shot?? :)

Posted by mary
If you are young, fit and healthy, then I wouldnt bother, but my husband is disabled, and being his carer, it's important that we both be vaccinated against the flu. If I got sick, there'de be no-one to look after him. It's a good idea for the very young, old, and people with fragile health to get a flu shot.

Posted by Jessi
Not getting it and if you paid me to get the flu shot, I still wouldn't get it.

I know of 2 people that ended up in the hospital because they GOT a flu shot

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Orignal From: Are you planning on getting the flu vaccine? How about getting your children vaccinated?