9 month old with fever and cold symptoms?
My 9 month old daughter began having cold-like symptoms yesterday. It started out with a runny nose (clear drainage) and a little cough, but no fever. Now today she still has the runny nose along with a fever. The highest it has gotten is 102.6. Using Motrin brought it down to 100.1. But then after the Mortrin wore off it was back up to 102. Should I continue with the Motrin? What can I do to help her stuffy nose? At what point do you call the pediatrician? This is the first time she's ever had a cold or fever, and I'm not sure what the general rules are. She doesn't seem to be bothered much though. She's playing like normal, she's just a little more sleepy. A friend told me that you really don't have to call the doc unless it's 103 or 104 or if it won't go down with tylenol or motrin. Any suggestions?

Posted by momof3
If it were me, I would continue with the motrin overnight. In the morning, I would take her to the doctor, just in case it's her ears. You can use saline drops and suction for the nose if it really bothers her. Good luck.

Posted by aluv4mcm
I was told to call the doc at 100. I would go to the doc tomorrow and see what they say because it can be pneumonia.

Posted by Los Angeles Kings Girl
i would go to the ER if it doesn't go down.
it's better to be safe than sorry.

Posted by marleyfu
Keep her fever down tonight with Motrin. She might feel better with some steam this evening.

I would take her in tomorrow, but keep her more comfortable by keeping her fever down tonight.

It is scary to be a mom, but cuddle her and see if she'll drink some. If it spikes in the night, just take her to the ER. With constant Motrin, it may be controlled.

Posted by emmy_maddi
My daughter is the same age. She all of a sudden had a really blocked nose and had a high fever. I used saline drops for her nose and gave her panadol ( i am in Australia ). Take her to the doctors and see what they say. Also another suggestion. Is she just getting teeth? After my daughter got these symptoms two teeth popped up. Just a suggestion, if not take her to the doctor.

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Orignal From: 9 month old with fever and cold symptoms?