the flu shot gave me a cold?

Posted by Simon | 5:50:00 PM

the flu shot gave me a cold?
yesterday i went to my first prenatal appointment ( im 8 weeks pregnant ) the nurse asked me if i wanted to get a flu shot..... she said that the shot was optional but they highly recommend pregnant women to get it. so i agreed and got vaccinated.

this morning i wake up with this severely congested, runny nose, itchy eyes, dry sore throat

so im wondering.... did that flu shot give me a cold ?

i have heard of people getting flu like symptoms after taking the shot

is it common to get sick after getting a flu shot ?

Posted by orphan annie
The flu shot is not a "live" virus therefore, it cannot give you the flu or a cold. More than likely you were exposed about a week or so ago and just coincidentally you got sick after your shot.

Posted by sanity
yes you can get a cold after the shot. but your not supposed to get the shot while pregnant my dr said its not safe. i would go get checked out by someone else

Posted by preppygurl6911
my dad just got his shot yesterday and hes been sick all day. My mom wont get them anymore because it makes her so sick.

Posted by melissa
my whole family had this happen to them the doctor said theres no way for that to be the cause and you most likely got sick in the waiting area waiting for the vaccine

Posted by Google Master
It is very possible that you got sick from the flu shot. It happens all the time. I have gotten sick in the past from the flu shot, however my OB wants me to get one anyway, so I am getting one a couple days before I have two days off in a row from work, so I don't miss work.

Good Luck and Feel Better!!

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