Do I have a cold, flu, or allergy?

Posted by Simon | 9:52:00 AM

Do I have a cold, flu, or allergy?
This morning I woke up and I had this scratchy throat. Well it's not really the throat but it's by the area where the nose and throat meet. So when I swallow water it feels like the water is going inside my nose. Then there's a lot of phlegm and I have a watery/runny nose that doesn't stop and sometimes becomes stuffy. I feel like sneezing sometimes. I have a headache too but that might be from sleeping too much or laying in bed. But I need to get better quickly since next week is my high school exit exam and I don't want to be sick during it

Posted by Will
Sounds like allergy like phlegm is running into ur thoart try to get allergy meds an see what happens

Posted by miranda
I am pretty sure you have a cold/ or are sick. If you have a headache that is normal, just try to take lots of Halls cough drops and vitamin C and you should feel much better in a few days. Also try not to drink to much milk because it produces much more of that yucky phlem no one likes! I wouldn't worry about have fun with highschool exams, the junior high ones were hard...... lol

Posted by tori<3answersforYOU
i dont know sore throat ? cold/actually allergies !

Posted by Babe
Most likely the beginnings of a cold. You don't mention high fever, achy joints, or exhaustion, so probably not flu. Allergy will have the run-away nose and sneezing, but not the sore throat.

Stir up a warm salt water solution and gargle a couple times to ease your throat. Drink lots of water or hot herbal tea. No dairy products or caffeine of any kind. Forget the sodas. Eat light stuff like chicken noodle soup or scrambled eggs. Take Tylenol for the headache, but don't try to stop your nose. Let it run and blow gently to keep from stopping up your ears. It should stop on its own by tomorrow night.

Sleep as much as you can tomorrow.

Good luck on your exams. Have tissue with you and maybe a bottle of water. If you have taken decongestants in the past and know they won't make you sleepy, go ahead and take one before you go to school. But you won't be able to take pills to school


Posted by jaime rae
Boil some salty water in a pot on the stove. Turn off the burner. Blow your nose & cough out some phlegm. Make a steam hood by draping a small-to-medium-sized towel over your head & the pot. Breathe the salty steam in your nose, out your mouth several times. Breathe some in your mouth & out your nose a few times as well. Blow your nose often. Keep this up until the steam stops. You can do this trick a few times throughout the day until you feel better. Salt is great.

**Sinus decongestant: Phenylephrine 5mg. You don't necessarily need all the extras it's often mixed with.
**Expectorant: Guaifenisen (Mucinex is the brand name, but it's way cheaper at dollar stores. Always read ingredients!!) liquefies your mucus so it's much easier to expel. But you have to drink TONS of water or it won't work, & you must be near a bathroom because it makes you pee a lot. (yet causes constipation... another reason to stay hydrated!)
**Pain, inflammation, body aches, headache, fever: Ibuprofen (Advil) should be alternated with Acetaminophen (Tylenol).

-Stay home. (even one day can make a difference. plus, you'll keep your germs to yourself.)
-Drink plenty of water. (8 8oz servings a day=bare minimum!! pee out those germs & flush 'em away!!)
-Take vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea.
-Eat garlic. (sorry, but it really is great for your health! and it will give you a good reason to stay home. hehe)
-Wash hands well & often. Moisturize skin to keep from cracking your hands to bits.
-Avoid milk & chocolate, which thicken your mucus and make your fight that much harder.
-Moderate exercise helps too!

NOTE: the meds and garlic are harsh, so don't take them on an empty or upset stomach.

>DAY: Mucinex and water. (generic is fine, and cheap!) Cough it out while you're awake.
>NIGHT: Delsym (cough suppressant, DEXTROMETHORPHAN). Get some restful, coughless sleep.
HOMEMADE EXPECTORANTS: Mix very hot water, cayenne pepper, white vinegar, and honey. >GARGLE & SPIT OUT!!!!!!!<
Or drink hot water with lemon and honey.

NOTE: I am not a doctor or nurse. Consult a medical professional to tailor any of the above suggestions to your particular circumstances, especially taking into consideration your weight, age, health, whether you're pregnant or nursing. FEEL BETTER SOON!

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Orignal From: Do I have a cold, flu, or allergy?