What was life like for ladies during the Flu (Influenza) Spanish Pandemic of 1918?

Posted by Bob J
I suppose it would be as bad as it were for men, not everything surely revolves around women.

Posted by Bluebeard's Wife
The Spanish influenza took more lives in a few years than AIDs has over the course of decades. So I would imagine... not very good. Not really a good time for anyone who could come into contact with the flu... which was pretty much everyone since everyone knew someone who died from the flu.

Posted by bec
My Grandmother (born in 1904) told me when I was a child that lots of young people died and she clearly remembered her brother being treated by an elderly woman who told her mother (my great grandmother) when the "crisis" point would happen. The crisis being the moment when the little boy would live or die. Sure enough at that time his fever went down and he survived. It must have been a time of incredible worry for women as they tended to have large families and having children wiped out or the fear of losing their partners or themselves and leaving their children behind when institutions were terrible places must have been awful. It's not so long ago that people would end up in a Work House when they were left destitute and mothers in this situation were split from their children. People tended to rent properties back then and if they couldn't pay the rent they were homeless.
There was no NHS at the time and many young men had died in the first world war so there were also many young widows around at that time anyway.
My great aunt was a hospital sister during this time (her fiance died in the first world war) and she never married - sadly she was killed in an accident in the late 1980s as a very very old lady - I wish I could ask her for you, she was an amazing woman. I found that side of my family on the 1911 census online the other day and it was very interesting to discover names of relatives that I had forgotten or never heard of (maybe some of them died and it was too painful to talk about).

Posted by Martillo1
Weren't women held over a large vat of spanish flu to keep them down and out. Since men are such misogynists they probably did it for laughs.

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