Flu vaccine on a toddler who has a little cold?
My pediatrician says there is no problem with giving my 2 year old boy the flu shot, I am nervous because he has a little cold (runny nose, little cough) should I wait until he is all better? I know the pediatrician know best, however I have seen some other kids who develop a very strong reaction... Suggestions please.

Posted by Christine
My son had a little cold and had to get shots and my doctor advised us to wait until he felt better to get his shots. She said why make him more miserable then he already is. If you can wait until hes better, I say go for it.

Posted by Donna L
They are saying on the newa today Fox that they aren't sure flu shots work on children under the age of 4

Posted by Cord Of 3 Strands
NOWAY!!! immune system is already weaken! shots should NEVER be given to anyone who is not in top health!!!

FYI-flu shot still has mercury & they guess which strains to make it for, not worth the risk one bit!!

Posted by Precious
I would wait. I had a cold when I was pregnant and was supposed to get my flu shot. My friend/the nurse told me to wait until I was better.

Posted by beetlemilk
Do not assume the pediatrician knows best. I would definately not get it if he isn't 100 percent. Even the vis sheet says anyone moderately ill should not get it, and 2 is the minimum age listed as to who should get it.


The mist is riskier, because it is a live virus, the shot is not.

What do you think? Answer below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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